International Online Conference in Lisbon (May 7-9, 2020)

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Conference concept and key topics

International online conference “CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: EXAMINING KEY CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES”, Lisbon, Portugal; May 7-9, 2020

The event is a platform for sharing ideas on new trends that are currently shaping the concept of modern corporate governance. The conference will focus on a variety of crucial issues of corporate governance, i.e. corporate ownership and control, earnings management, audit, corporate social responsibility and compliance, disclosure and transparency issues, financial reporting, board of directors’ practices, shareholders’ rights, etc. The main goal of the conference is to investigate key challenges and perspectives of corporate governance and outline possible scenarios of its development. The upcoming conference will therefore provide a platform for academics and practitioners to analyse recent trends and upcoming challenges in the following areas:

  • Accounting systems, disclosure and transparency issues
  • Bankruptcy, liquidation procedures
  • Board of directors practices and performance
  • Corporate governance in family firms
  • Corporate governance in financial institutions
  • Corporate governance of state owned enterprises (SOE) and their role in the society
  • Corporate ownership and control
  • Corporate social responsibility and compliance
  • Development of financial markets and market for corporate control
  • Directors’ duties and liabilities
  • Earnings quality
  • Environmental social governance disclosure
  • Executive compensation and corporate governance
  • IT governance and blockchain technology
  • Laws, regulations and corruption
  • Shareholder engagement and co creation
  • Shareholder Right Directive and effects on corporate governance processes
  • Shareholder voting and institutional behaviour
  • Shareholders’ rights efficiency of judicial system and shareholder protection
  • Social norms and cultural values

We invite the submission of theoretical and empirical studies that advance the understanding of the areas mentioned above and any other area related to corporate governance, even if not explicitly indicated.

Please submit an extended abstract of the paper (400-1000 words) or a full paper (up to 6000 words), including the title and affiliation.