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10 February
International Online Conference (June 5, 2025)22 February 2024
International Online Conference (June 6, 2024)21 August 2023
International Online Conference (November 23, 2023)Summer school “Corporate Governance and the Effectiveness of Boards”

We would like to draw attention of our international network to Summer school “Corporate Governance and the Effectiveness of Boards” to be held on 9 - 13 July 2018, in Groningen, the Netherlands.
The aim of this summer school is to discuss the strength and weaknesses of different approaches to research on corporate boards and their contribution to our understanding of how boards are formed and how they work in order to effectively perform their roles. This summer school explicitly aims to determine to what extent their questions, methods, data, and outcomes are complementary or substitutes. The approach is multi-disciplinary, meaning that we discuss research from economics, finance, management and sociology, and psychology. Organisers will also deal with measurement issues and discuss datasets and methodologies to use these datasets in research. Participants are invited to present their own research (ideas) in the field of board effectiveness.
More information on the summer school is available here.