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10 February
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International Online Conference (November 23, 2023)ADVANCE - the ISEG Centre for Advanced Research in Management, University of Lisbon

ISEG created Centre for Advanced Research in Management in May, 2007 to encourage and support innovative and high quality research on management. It wants to conduct top research activities, combining a deep theoretical background with extensive empirical research, in order to be an internationally recognized research centre.
The Center is determined to produce an increasing body of research work to be presented at top international conferences alongside with papers published in high quality academic journals.
The Center aims to promote regular summer schools and research seminars, allowing its promoting the interaction of its members with top researchers in the several fields of management science. This enables ADVANCE researchers to be frequently exposed to influential state-of-the-art research. These events are also excellent opportunities for the members of the center to discuss their work with insightful researchers from other centers and from other countries.
Advance is currently integrated within CSG – Research in Social Sciences and Management, the R&D consortium created in 2013 at ISEG by four of its research centres – SOCIUS, ADVANCE, CEsA and GHES. CSG set up a common framework for research and aims at bringing together researchers who share similar conceptions of the study of socioeconomic and organizational reality, to enhance complementarities and reach a critical mass in this field of study.
Our contact person at ADVANCE is Prof. Maria João Coelho Guedes.